




Say I create two sets of tuples like so:

    Dim losSPResults As List(Of spGetDataResults) = m_dcDataClasses.spGetData.ToList
    Dim loTupleKeys = From t In losSPResults Select t.key1, t.key2

    '' Query on an existing dataset:
    Dim loTupleExistingKeys = from t in m_losSPResults Select t.key3, t.key4

Now I want to perform set operations on these two lists like so:

    Dim loTupleSetDifference = loTupleKeys.Except(loTupleExistingKeys)

Obviously, Linq can't perform a comparator on sets if it doesn't know the sets have uniform definitions, so it will give me this build error:

Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of < anonymous type>)' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of < anonymous type>)'.

How do I work with the declaration of these sets to make them mesh? (Not much luck on google)

[Edit] Still getting the same compile error:

    '*** If we have initialized the list of tools, check to make sure it's up to date
    Dim loTupleDatabaseTools = From tt In lottTorqueTools _
                               Select StationIndex = tt.station_index, SlotNumber = tt.slot_number
    Dim loTupleToolObjects = From tt In m_lottTorqueTools _
                             Select StationIndex = tt.StationIndex, SlotNumber = tt.SlotNumber

    Dim loTupleSetDifference = loTupleDatabaseTools.Except(loTupleToolObjects)

Error is here:

Dim loTupleSetDifference = loTupleDatabaseTools.Except(loTupleToolObjects)

Error 5 Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of < anonymous type>)' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of < anonymous type>)'.

+2  A: 

If the anonymous types have the same property names with the same types in the same order, they should be the same types (and thus compatible).

EDIT: Based on the comments and the updated question, I suspect the bit you're missing is the ability to name the properties in anonymous types. Change this:

Dim loTupleExistingKeys = from t in m_losSPResults Select t.key3, t.key4

into this:

Dim loTupleExistingKeys = from t in m_losSPResults Select key1=t.key3, key2=t.key4

So long as the types are right, you may then be okay with no more work.

Jon Skeet
Ah. I made an edit to the names of the columns above. That must be the problem--the names differ? How can I fix that?
Use the same names :)
Jon Skeet
I wish I could, but unfortunately our DBAs chose not to conform column names to the same naming conventions as we use for code. One dataset is composed of a stored procedure result set, the other is a list of objects. Is there an easy way to either change or ignore the names or will I have to copy these into uniformly named data sets?
Well these are anonymous types, right? You get to choose the names: "Select Key3 = t.Key1" etc
Jon Skeet
Almost! Still receiving the same compile error.
(See edit above)
Are the types of the various properties the same in both anonymous types?
Jon Skeet
Ah! They were not. They are now and it compiles. Excellent. Thank you much.
Man I **LOVE** Linq. It makes code so elegant. Thanks again.