I'm looking for my own research for sources that look at software as a way to manage risk. I don't mean risk management for software development projects, I mean how working software can automate the management of risk.
My interest is more philosophical: how do people put software in action to practically get control over factors that otherwise would be uncontrollable in an automated way?
The analogy I like to use is that of the speed camera: it's a device that compels drivers to drive more slowly (until they're out of the range of the camera). Instead of manned controls speed cameras automate the deterrence for drivers. These cameras - where installed - reduce the need for preventive police interventions and thus are an effective way to bring down the risk of accidents on that location.
What I'm looking for specifically are books or websites that deal with this kind of research, and case studies of how software has actually succeeded in managing risk (or hasn't).
Thanks for any pointers. If I need to clarify this question please let me know.