(Edited from this post on fshub)
The first time I went to reach for break/continue in OCaml/F#, it threw me for an (infinite) loop, so to speak, because no such thing exists! In OCaml, one can use exceptions to break from a loop because they are very cheap, but in F# (in .NET) the overhead is quite high and not useful for "normal" flow control.
This came up when playing with sort algorithms a while back (to kill some time), which make heavy use of repeat/until and break. It hit me that recursive tail call functions can achieve exactly the same result, with only a slight ding to readability. So, I threw out 'mutable bDone' and 'while not bDone' and tried writing the code without these imperative constructs. The following distills out just the looping parts and shows how to write repeat/until, do/while, while/do, break/continue, and test-in-the-middle style code using tailcalls. These all appear to run at exactly the same speed as a traditional F# 'while' statement, but your mileage may vary (some platforms may not properly implement tailcall and therefore may stack fault until they are patched). At the end is a (bad) sort algorithm written in both styles, for comparison.
Let's start with a 'do/while' loop, written in traditional F# imperative style, then look at functional variations which provide both the same type of loop, as well as different semantics like while/do, repeat/until, test in the middle, and even break/continue (without monads.. um, workflows!).
(* something to work on... *)
let v = ref 0
let f() = incr v;
let g() = !v;
let N = 100000000
let imperDoWhile() =
let mutable x = 0
let mutable bDone = false
while not bDone do
x <- x + 1
if x >= N then bDone <- true
Ok, that's easy enough. Keep in mind that f() is always called at least once (do/while).
Here is the same code, but in a functional style. Note that we don't need to declare a mutable here.
let funDoWhile() =
let rec loop x =
f() (*Do*)
if x < N then (*While*)
loop (x+1)
loop 0
We can spin that to a traditional do/while by putting the function call inside the if block.
let funWhileDo() =
let rec loop x =
if x < N then (*While*)
f() (*Do*)
loop (x+1)
loop 0
How about repeating a block until some condition is true (repeat/until)? Easy enough...
let funRepeatUntil() =
let rec loop x =
f() (*Repeat*)
if x >= N then () (*Until*)
else loop (x+1)
loop 0
What was that about a monad-less break? Well, just introduce a conditional expression which returns 'unit', as in:
let funBreak() =
let rec loop() =
let x = g()
if x > N then () (*break*)
How about continue? Well, that's just another call to loop! First, with a syntax crutch:
let funBreakContinue() =
let break' () = ()
let rec continue' () =
let x = g()
if x > N then break'()
elif x % 2 = 0 then
f(); f(); f();
And then again without the (ugly) syntax crutch:
let funBreakContinue'() =
let rec loop () =
let x = g()
if x > N then ()
elif x % 2 = 0 then
f(); f(); f();
loop ()
Easy as pie!
One nice result of these loop forms is that it makes it easier to spot and implement states in your loops. For example, a bubble sort continually loops over an entire array, swapping values that are out of place as it finds them. It keeps track of whether a pass over the array produced any exchanges. If not, then every value must be in the right place, so the sort can terminate. As an optimization, on every pass thru the array, the last value in the array ends up sorted into the correct place. So, the loop can be shortened by one each time through. Most algorithms check for a swap and update a "bModified" flag every time there is one. However, once the first swap is done, there is no need for that assignment; it's already set to true!
Here is F# code which implements a bubble sort (yes, bubble sort is terrible algorithm; quicksort rocks). At the end is an imperative implementation which does not change state; it updates the bModified flag for every exchange. Interestingly, the imperative solution is faster on tiny arrays and just a percent or two slower on large ones. (Made for a good example, though).
let inline sort2 f i j (a:'a array) =
let i' = a.[ i ]
let j' = a.[ j ]
if f i' j' > 0 then
a.[ i ] <- j'
a.[ j ] <- i'
let bubble f (xs:'a array) =
if xs.Length = 0
then ()
let rec modified i endix =
if i = endix then
unmodified 0 (endix-1)
let j = i+1
sort2 f i j xs
modified j endix
and unmodified i endix =
if i = endix then
let j = i+1
let i' = xs.[ i ]
let j' = xs.[ j ]
if f i' j' > 0 then
xs.[ i ] <- j'
xs.[ j ] <- i'
modified j endix
unmodified j endix
in unmodified 0 (xs.Length-1)
let bubble_imperitive f (xs:'a array) =
let mutable bModified = true
let mutable endix = xs.Length - 1
while bModified do
bModified <- false
endix <- endix - 1
for i in 0..endix do
let j = i+1
let i' = xs.[ i ]
let j' = xs.[ j ]
if f i' j' > 0 then
xs.[ i ] <- j'
xs.[ j ] <- i'
bModified <- true