I think, what you are looking for does not exist. The closest you can have is params:
MyMethod(params object[] args)
// if you have to do this, it's quite bad:
int intArg = (int)args[0];
string stringArg = (string)arg[1]:
// call with any number (and type) of argument
MyMethod(7, "tr");
There is no compile time type checking, and therefore it is not an all-purpose way to handle arguments. But if your arguments are dynamic, it's probably a solution.
Edit: had another idea:
You need to put all argument manually into a list / dictionary. You can write a helper class to allow the following:
MyMethod(int arg1, string arg2)
Arguments.Add(() => arg1);
Arguments.Add(() => arg2);
The helper looks like this
public static void Add<T>(Expression<Func<T>> expr)
// run the expression to get the argument value
object value = expr.Compile()();
// get the argument name from the expression
string argumentName = ((MemberExpression)expr.Body).Member.Name;
// add it to some list:
argumentsDic.Add(argumentName, value);