



Hello Friends,

I am using, .NET 3.5, C#, and SQL Server Express 2005.

I have created a stored procedure in SQL, and when I run SP from SQL server it takes less than 1 second to return results. I have also tried that query in query analyzer and it also gives me results in less than 1 second. But when I try to call this SP from .NET (C#), it takes a long time, and then gives a timeout error.

Here is the code I am using to call the stored procedure :

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();

con.ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("spReport_SiteUsage_KP", con);

command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@fromDate", SqlDbType.DateTime));

command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@toDate", SqlDbType.DateTime));

command.Parameters[0].Value = Convert.ToDateTime(DatePicker1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString());

command.Parameters[1].Value = DatePicker2.SelectedDate;

int i = command.ExecuteNonQuery();


Is any body have any idea please ??? It's very urgent ..

Store Procedure : set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spReport_SiteUsage_KP] @fromDate datetime = null, @toDate datetime = null AS truncate table dbo.RPT_SiteUsage

IF (@FromDate is not null and @ToDate is not null) --Hourly Report, grouped by hour Begin

insert into RPT_SiteUsage 
select '' as ReportType, 
'Site Usage for '+ datename(mm,@fromDate)+' '+datename(dd,@fromDate)+', '+datename(yy,@fromDate) + 
' To '+datename(mm,@toDate)+' '+datename(dd,@toDate)+', '+datename(yy,@toDate) as ReportTitle,
min(@fromDate) as FromDate,max(@toDate) as ToDate,
isnull(count(s.SessionId),0) VisitsTotal,
isnull(count(distinct(s.cookieid)),0) VisitsUnique,
isnull(sum(PagesVisited),0) PageViews, 
isnull(round(avg(convert(decimal(10,2),PagesVisited)),2),0) PagePerVisit,  
isnull(min(PagesVisited),0) MinNoPageViews, 
isnull(max(PagesVisited),0) MaxNoPageViews,
isnull(round(avg(convert(decimal(10,2),TimeInSiteMinutes)),2),0) AvgTimeInSite, 
isnull(min(TimeInSiteMinutes),0) MinTimeSpent, 
isnull(max(TimeInSiteMinutes),0) MaxTimeSpent, 
isnull(sum(NewPeople),0) as NewVisitors
dbo.UMM_UserAction ua inner join dbo.UMM_Session s on ua.SessionId=s.Sessionid
left join
 (select ua.sessionId, datediff(ss,min(Actiondate),max(Actiondate))/60 TimeInSiteMinutes
  from dbo.UMM_UserAction ua
  where ActionDate between @fromDate and @toDate
  group by ua.sessionid
  ) sessionTime on ua.sessionId = sessionTime.sessionid
left join
 (select ua.sessionId, 0 as NewPeople
 from dbo.UMM_UserAction ua 
  inner join dbo.UMM_Session s on ua.SessionId=s.SessionId
  inner join dbo.UMM_Cookie c on s.CookieId=c.CookieId
  where ua.actiondate< @fromDate --this is the from date
 group by UserId,ua.sessionId 
  ) Old on ua.sessionId = Old.sessionid
left join
 (select ua.sessionId,count(distinct(uaP.PageEntryId)) as PagesVisited
 from dbo.UMM_UserAction ua,
 dbo.UMM_UserActionPageReview uaP 
 where ua.UserActionId=uaP.UserActionId
 and ActionDate between @fromDate and @toDate
 group by ua.sessionId
 )pVisited on ua.sessionId = pVisited.sessionId
where ActionDate between @fromDate and @toDate

IF (select count(*) from RPT_SiteUsage)=0
 insert into RPT_SiteUsage 
 select '(1 day)' as ReportType, 
 'Site Usage for '+datename(mm,@fromDate)+' '+datename(dd,@fromDate)+', '+datename(yy,@fromDate) + 
 ' To '+datename(mm,@toDate)+' '+datename(dd,@toDate)+', '+datename(yy,@toDate) as ReportTitle,
 min(@fromDate) as FromDate,max(@toDate) as ToDate,
 0 as VisitsTotal,
 0 as VisitsUnique,
 0 as PageViews, 
 0 as PagePerVisit,  
 0 as MinNoPageViews, 
 0 as MaxNoPageViews,
 0 as AvgTimeInSite, 
 0 as MinTimeSpent, 
 0 as MaxTimeSpent, 
 0 as NewVisitors


+1  A: 

Well - I would say there's an error in your connection string. Please check it.

but when i pass small date range it's working fine but when i pass more then 3 months then it's give time out error.. i also try in sql with same large range (aprox one year) and it's come out less then one second ...

If it takes long before the query returns an error, there is probably something wrong with your connection (string).

it's working fine if i pass small date range data
Ah, more info. Can you publish the Exception details?

It could be the fun issue with a bad query plan cached on the proc. Especially if the guts of the proc just as a Query in Query Analyzer runs fine. Check this link out on how to resolve the situation:

Not getting any luck .. do you have any more idiea ??

Another idea, the TimeOut of each SqlCommand is also controlled individually, so, you can control it with CommandTimeOut property.

command.CommandTimeout = 120;

However, I would check the execution plan to see where is it wasting or hogging db resources, I suggest this just for experiment, not on production.

Jhonny D. Cano -Leftware-
i tried to do this way it's came after 2 mints but it's too much time in sql it's reply with in one second