



Kind of like this question

I have many text snippets that I use many, many, many times a day. I want to build something that can search a database/ preferably a javascript array full of sentence length strings, returning the most likely one. Most autocomplete returns things you type in the sequence you type them. I do not remember seeing what I describe.

For example; Say I have this item in my array: "a yellow banana"

When I search for "a banana" it won't show me anything. It only works when I typ "a yello" ... etc.

Is it possible to also return matches when multiple words are present in an item's name, but on different places?

So when I typ, for example, "fox quick dog" that it returns:

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

got the idea and question from actb.js

Thanks for helping me be more lazy

+1  A: 

Maybe this could help: jQuery Quick Search

That is it. Thank you. The list search example does it exactly as I need it too.