I have this question from a client, to run some database scripts on a daily or biweekly basis, depending on the type of period. They have defined a 'busy' period and a 'quiet' period. They are using shared hosting for their applications and they can't add SQL Server jobs to their database.
What I want to do is create a windows service, which is configurable using a config file, containing the different periods and their intervals. This service is checking the current time and date versus the scheduled periods in the configuration file and will execute a sql server stored procedure once the interval matches
My question: Is there a better way to do this kind of scheduling without sql server or do you know if an existing, more generic (free) solution already exists?
I can't use windows task scheduler since their quiet period is during winter and their busy period is during summer. With task scheduler I'd have to modify the scheduled tasks manually twice a year. That's now what I nor my client wants.