For some reason our datepicker is falling behind the dropdowns below it in IE6
Every search I have done seems to suggest the datepicker should deal with this.
We do have the following css in place:
.ui-datepicker-cover {
display: none; /*sorry for IE5*/
display/**/: block; /*sorry for IE5*/
position: absolute; /*must have*/
z-index: -1; /*must have*/
filter: mask(); /*must have*/
top: -4px; /*must have*/
left: -4px; /*must have*/
width: 200px; /*must have*/
height: 200px; /*must have*/
I have tried adding bgiframe and calling:
But it doesn't solve the issue.
Any ideas?
I'm thinking we're going to need someone with experience using jquery ui datepicker to help us out on this one!