



I have the following in my Web.config:

    . . .
    <add verb="GET,HEAD" path="/" type="Vis.Web.BootHandler, Vis" />

That HTTP handler returns a static HTML page, just to see if it works.

Now when I run my web application (which has no Default.aspx or the likes) I get the default directory listing instead. When I change the path to "/foo" it works perfectly fine.

I tried "" for the path, it yields the directory listing as well. Same having it as "/foo" and then adding a URL mapping to for "", "~", "~/" and "/"

How do I handle the web root / override the directory listing with a HTTP handler?

+1  A: 

UPDATED: Regarding comment This can't be done in the development server as it requires a feature of IIS.

ORIGINAL: You need to add a wildcard application mapping to the DLL so that all requestes (even for directories) are run through the .net runtime and therefore your HTTP Handler.

Check out

for more info

Greg B
Thanks, very helpful. Can it also be done for the built-in web server in Visual Web Developer?
Too bad it doesn't work on the development server then, but at least being able to do it with IIS is a big improvement.

In addition to what @Greg B said you will need to add a dummy default.aspx page and register your handler using /* path:

    . . .
    <add verb="GET,HEAD" path="/*" type="Vis.Web.BootHandler, Vis" />
Darin Dimitrov