





I use this code till I see data in my database and edit,delet and insert data in that . but I want when I insert data to database , that is not REPETITIOUS , and if that is REPETITIOUS show me a message box about it.

Code :

private void btnok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string id = idTextBox.Text.ToString();
        string name = nameTextBox.Text.ToString();
        string family = familyTextBox.Text.ToString();


    private void butins_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void butdelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void butedit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

I write this Query,but I dont know , how can I use that? I write that in "Database1DataSet.xsd" , and appeared fillby() and gatedataby() in Tableadapter.

query :

SELECT     id, name, family
FROM         Table1
WHERE     (id = @id) AND (name = @name) AND (family = @family)
+1  A: 

Well, you could put a UNIQUE constraint spanning the interesting columns (presumably [id], [name] and [family]) in the database... that will prevent duplicates pretty well (by raising an exception that you can catch and message box appropriately).

The other approach is to check for existing values first - but unless you use something like serializable isolation-level you still have a race condition.

Marc Gravell
if I put UNIQUE constraint to columns ,can I write nember or string or any type of data in a field ?
mohammad reza
I don't quite follow... can you clarify?
Marc Gravell
do you meaning of UNIQUE ,is set uniqueiclentifier type for a feild ?
mohammad reza

I'd suggest that you follow Marc's answer.

The exception you'll catch is a SqlException with error number 2601, it may be something like this:

catch(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException lExSql)
    if(lExSql.Number == 2601)
        return Result.Duplicate;
        return Result.Failure;
    return Result.Failure;

Also a side note: there's no need to call TextBox.Text.ToString(), because the Text property is a String itself.

Ashraf Sabry
if I put UNIQUE constraint to columns ,can I write nember or string or any type of data in a field
mohammad reza
Yes you can, as long as this data don't make a duplicate with existing data in the database
Ashraf Sabry
do you meaning of UNIQUE ,is set uniqueiclentifier type for a feild ?
mohammad reza
No, UNIQUE is a constraint implemented as an index, it has nothing to do with the data type of the column(s) it's applied to.While uniqueidentifier, is a 128 GUID type.
Ashraf Sabry