



I couldn't find an answer - does NHibernate supports MsSql2008? For example - can it convert sql XML data type to .NET XElement?

MsSqlConfiguration. shows only MsSql2005, MsSql2000 and MsSql7.

+2  A: 

Your first question was answered here:

As for XElement I'm not sure, but it wouldn't be hard to implement as a customer IUserType.

Ben Scheirman
Thanks for your time.
Arnis L.
Ben, i would be glad if you could check out this: This is quite crucial for paging implementation. Or maybe there are other ways how it's done?
Arnis L.

There seems to be a new Sql 2008 dialect in the latest Alpha of NHibernate but as far as I know this is to support some of the new Date types available in SQL Server 2008. As far as I know support for the SQL XML type is still not included for the reasons Ben has already pointed out.

Well... He didn't point out for me. I'm just starting to learn it, no ideas about common techniques.
Arnis L.