I couldn't find an answer - does NHibernate supports MsSql2008? For example - can it convert sql XML data type to .NET XElement?
MsSqlConfiguration. shows only MsSql2005, MsSql2000 and MsSql7.
I couldn't find an answer - does NHibernate supports MsSql2008? For example - can it convert sql XML data type to .NET XElement?
MsSqlConfiguration. shows only MsSql2005, MsSql2000 and MsSql7.
Your first question was answered here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18889/sql-2008-dialect-support-for-nhibernate
As for XElement I'm not sure, but it wouldn't be hard to implement as a customer IUserType.
There seems to be a new Sql 2008 dialect in the latest Alpha of NHibernate but as far as I know this is to support some of the new Date types available in SQL Server 2008. As far as I know support for the SQL XML type is still not included for the reasons Ben has already pointed out.