



Lately, a lot of development/design job offerings I'm come across ask for "links to examples of your work". In the past ten years, I've worked primarily for three web companies. One of the websites is no longer in existing (a victim of the dot-com bubble burst). Also, I have had little to no impact on the design of the "public" pages for these websites. However, I have done extensive design and development work on their proprietary web software - online applications available to users with secure login credentials.

When companies/recruiters ask for examples of my work, how should I handle this in my situation?

Should I explain my situation to them - that I've done a lot of work that isn't publicly facing? I'm afraid that, although honest, this sounds like a cop-out from someone without experience.

Thanks in advance.


If the site is no longer available, you can use the Internet Archive ( to send them information.

Other than that, you can provide code snapshots if you have them, or references to people whom they can contact. Even if the company no longer exists, there should be someone from the company who can vouch for your work.

"you can provide code snapshots if you have them" Not necessarily. If that code was developed for a company you were actually employed with, then they own the rights and most likely haven't given permission to show their code however innocuous it may be. It might even be considered negatively by the hiring company. After all, if he's willing to show their code will he keep copies of the new code?
Chris Lively
True, this isn't always possible, but if you make it clear that you have permission to share the code (and you do have permission) then that shouldn't be an issue.

I think as long as your honest they'll have to understand. I'm sure some of them have been in the same situation. If it were me I would link to what I can while explaining my situation honestly.

Another thing you could do is create sample code similar to some of the things you've done professionally and post it on github. That way it would be easy to show off what you can do without revealing any secrets about your former employers.

Ryan Thames
+6  A: 

Just explain to them that the work you've done is secured and proprietary to the companies you've worked for.

You might consider building a sample website that shows off some of your talent and having that publicly accessible so that you can direct the recruiters there. Maybe a contact manager or something similiar that has little intrinsyc value but can show how you build web applications. You could even provide a link to download the code so that it's available for review.

Chris Lively

I have encountered this situation many times from the other side - as a recruiter vetting candidates for roles.

Simple answer, as you suggest, is to explain your situation - that you don't have any publicly accessible examples. It would be wise also to offer to supply code examples.

A recruiter will ask for examples of work so they can get an idea of your work, your coding style, etc - if your work isn't public it isn't going to score you down. Though, of course, refusing to supply code examples if asked probably would!

+2  A: 

Don't ever show code you don't own, that's telling potential employers that you'll do the same to them. Screenshots (preferably with just test data & nothing reflecting the client/company you worked for) with an explanation of the functionality you added are should be good enough.

Planning for the future:

1) Create a personal site. It doesn't have to be a blog or how-to repository or even public, just a sandbox for neat things you created that you can show off (with source), and direct employers to it. It's also not a bad spot for posting those screenshots & explanations of client work, if you keep it relatively private (hey, not a bad spot to show off how you handle authentication too).

2) Get involved with relevant open source projects and show off there. When an interviewer asks "so what's your favorite framework to work with" being able to nonchalantly say "probably one of the ones I helped create" will make you look pretty awesome.
