How would you implement a capacity-limited, generic MruList in C# or Java?
I want to have a class that represents a most-recently-used cache or list (= MruList). It should be generic, and limited to a capacity (count) specified at instantiation. I'd like the interface to be something like:
public interface IMruList<T>
public T Store(T item);
public void Clear();
public void StoreRange(T[] range);
public List<T> GetList();
public T GetNext(); // cursor-based retrieval
Each Store() should put the item at the top (front?) of the list. The GetList() should return all items in an ordered list, ordered by most recent store. If I call Store() 20 times and my list is 10 items long, I only want to retain the 10 most-recently Stored items. The GetList and StoreRange is intended to support retrieval/save of the MruList on app start and shutdown.
This is to support a GUI app. I guess I might also want to know the timestamp on a stored item. Maybe. Not sure.
Internally, how would you implement it, and why?
(no, this is not a course assignment)