What are the system tables used in Sql Server replication?
From Books Online...
Replication Tables in the master database...
- MSreplication_options
Replication Tables in the msdb database...
- MSagentparameterlist
- MSdbms
- MSdbms_map
- MSdbms_datatype
- MSreplmonthresholdmetrics
- sysreplicationalerts
Replication Tables in the distribution database...
- MSagent_parameters
- MSagent_profiles
- MSarticles
- MScached_peer_lsns
- MSdistpublishers
- MSdistribution_agents
- MSdistribution_history
- MSdistributiondbs
- MSdistributor
- MSlogreader_agents
- MSlogreader_history
- MSmerge_agents
- MSmerge_history
- MSmerge_sessions
- MSmerge_subscriptions
- MSpublication_access
- MSpublicationthresholds
- MSpublications
- MSpublisher_databases
- MSreplication_objects
- MSreplication_subscriptions
- MSrepl_commands
- MSrepl_errors
- MSrepl_originators
- MSrepl_transactions
- MSrepl_version
- MSsnapshot_agents
- MSsnapshot_history
- MSsubscriber_info
- MSsubscriber_schedule
- MSsubscriptions
- MSsubscription_properties
- MStracer_history
- MStracer_tokens
Additionally, these tables in the distribution database are used for replicating data from non-SQL Server publishers...
- IHarticles
- IHcolumns
- IHconstrainttypes
- IHindextypes
- IHpublications
- IHpublishercolumnconstraints
- IHpublishercolumnindexes
- IHpublishercolumns
- IHpublisherconstraints
- IHpublisherindexes
- IHpublishers
- IHpublishertables
- IHsubscriptions
Replication tables in the publication database...
- MSdynamicsnapshotjobs
- MSdynamicsnapshotviews
- MSmerge_altsyncpartners
- MSmerge_conflicts_info
- MSmerge_contents
- MSmerge_current_partition_mappings
- MSmerge_dynamic_snapshots
- MSmerge_errorlineage
- MSmerge_generation_partition_mappings
- MSmerge_genhistory
- MSmerge_identity_range
- MSmerge_metadataaction_request
- MSmerge_partition_groups
- MSmerge_past_partition_mappings
- MSmerge_replinfo
- MSmerge_settingshistory
- MSmerge_tombstone
- MSpeer_lsns
- MSpeer_request
- MSpeer_response
- MSpub_identity_range
- sysarticlecolumns
- sysarticles
- sysarticleupdates
- sysmergearticlecolumns
- sysmergearticles
- sysmergepartitioninfo
- sysmergepublications
- sysmergeschemaarticles
- sysmergeschemachange
- sysmergesubscriptions
- sysmergesubsetfilters
- syspublications
- sysschemaarticles
- syssubscriptions
- systranschemas
Replication tables in the subscription database...
- MSdynamicsnapshotjobs
- MSdynamicsnapshotviews
- MSmerge_altsyncpartners
- MSmerge_conflicts_info
- MSmerge_contents
- MSmerge_current_partition_mappings
- MSmerge_dynamic_snapshots
- MSmerge_errorlineage
- MSmerge_generation_partition_mappings
- MSmerge_genhistory
- MSmerge_identity_range
- MSmerge_metadataaction_request
- MSmerge_partition_groups
- MSmerge_past_partition_mappings
- MSmerge_replinfo
- MSmerge_settingshistory
- MSmerge_tombstone
- MSpeer_lsns
- MSrepl_queuedtraninfo
- MSsnapshotdeliveryprogress
- MSsubscription_properties
- sysmergearticlecolumns
- sysmergearticles
- sysmergepartitioninfo
- sysmergepublications
- sysmergeschemaarticles
- sysmergeschemachange
- sysmergesubscriptions
- sysmergesubsetfilters
- systranschemas
The Lazy DBA
2009-05-12 04:00:13
Thanks you very very much
2009-05-12 04:05:34