Here's a Powershell script that I have used to accomplish a painful namespace rename. In my situation there were about 5000 VB.Net and C# source files making heavy use of a common library (CSLA). For reasons not worth discussing, I needed to rename the namespace Csla to CslaLegacy. With minimal effort, you should be able to adapt this script to your specific needs. The script recursively searches the source tree looking for .vb and .cs files. The $repValues hash table contains the strings that need to be replaced. A variation of this script can also be used to update project references, should your rename include an assembly name change. You can add a call to your source control tool to checkout the file before the modification. I originally did this for TFS, but found it slow to execute tf.exe. In the end it was much faster to simply checkout the entire source tree before running the script. I use PowerGUI script editor for debugging and running powershell scripts.
$root = "c:/path/to/your/source"
cd $root
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $root -Recurse -include *.cs,*.vb
$repValues =
'using Csla;' = 'using CslaLegacy;';
'using Csla.Validation;' = 'using CslaLegacy.Validation;';
'using Csla.Data;' = 'using CslaLegacy.Data;';
'Imports Csla' = 'Imports CslaLegacy';
'Imports Csla.Validation' = 'Imports CslaLegacy.Validation';
$stmtsToReplace = @()
foreach ($key in $repValues.Keys) { $stmtsToReplace += $null }
$repValues.Keys.CopyTo($stmtsToReplace, 0)
foreach ($file in $files)
$path = [IO.Path]::Combine($file.DirectoryName, $file.Name)
$sel = Select-String -Pattern $stmtsToReplace -Path $path -l
if ($sel -ne $null)
write "Modifying file $path"
(Get-Content -Encoding Ascii $path) |
ForEach-Object {
$containsStmt = $false
foreach ($key in $repValues.Keys)
if ($_.Contains($key))
$_.Replace($key, $repValues[$key])
$containsStmt = $true
if (!$containsStmt) { $_ }
} |
Set-Content -Encoding Ascii $path