



Hi all,

next month I will begin to develop a project and I'm studying about that (I'm a novice).

In this project I will create many report storing data from a Database so I'm concentrating about how print the report using WPF. I need to use many features as follows: page header, page Footer, multi page, page number and so on.

I ask you if you can give me any useful advice, links, suggestion, tools etc. to help me how print in WPF with good results, sincerely I have not good knowledge about that.

Thanks for your time.

+1  A: 

It seems you are concerned with two things: printing, and reporting.

If it is a simple matter of printing, then there are other questions out there that may help.

If you are concerned primarily with reporting, or managing and printing reports, then you want a reporting framework.

If you have licensed SQL Server 2005 or later, you may want to check out SQL Reporting Services. You can use SSRS regardless of whether the data is stored in SQL Server.

The suggestion in the comments to your question - to view this prior SO question - still seems like a good one to me. It is nearly an identical question.

@cHESSO.hi ,i'm trying to understand how Print my report in multipage ,because i have many report so long to enter in one page and so i don't know exactly how work out this feature .To build the report is not a trouble for me (luckily) .Thanks for your answer
if you are using WPF, the FlowDocument can be repaginated for printer output devices, pretty easily. Check those links I suggested.