



So I'm using this SQL Server with my application and I decided to display crystal reports to the user. I'm not at all experienced with crystal reports, but this project gives me a good opportunity to learn.

Now, my data sources are already setup and i've been using them with for the past several months with this project. However, when I create a report using Crystal Report's wizard and I include data, I get no data output. I get the labels, but no actual data from the database. When I go to report's preview I see an example and it looks right, however no data is displayed.

I also tried creating a graph, but that didn't even show up.

+2  A: 

Are you linking tables? In my experience 99% of the time when I get no data with Crystal it's been because of a funky link. Also check what part of the report (Header, details, etc.) the object is in.

What do you mean? There's a foreign key between two of the tables I'm trying to display, but even when I'm only displaying one table, nothing is shown.
BTW, you can edit your question, even if you can't add a comment
Check the links in Crystal Reports datasource (not SQL server)
Brian Ensink
There's one valid link which is a left join on a foreign key
Ah, got it working, had to add every table instead of just the two tables.

I sometimes hit trouble because I need a left join when the default is an inner join.
