This doesn't work because you try to replace :value
with "person.LAST_NAME = 'Johnson'"
wanting that the query becomes
SELECT person.ID, person.SSN, person.LAST_NAME, person.MIDDLE_NAME, person.FIRST_NAME
FROM PERSONS as person
where person.LAST_NAME = 'Johnson'
This won't work. You can only replace the 'Johnson' part dynamically not the whole condition. Thus what really gets generated is
SELECT person.ID, person.SSN, person.LAST_NAME, person.MIDDLE_NAME, person.FIRST_NAME
FROM PERSONS as person
where 'person.LAST_NAME = \'Johnson\''
Which obviously isn't a valid condition for the WHERE-part as there is only a literal but no column and operator to compare the field to.
If you only have to match against person.LAST_NAME
rewrite the xml-sql-query to
<sql-query name="PersonQuery" resultset-ref="PersonSet" read-only="true" >
FROM PERSONS as person
where person.LAST_NAME = :value
And in the C# code set
String query = "Johnson";
If you need to dynamically filter by different columns or even multiple columns at a time use filters. e.g. like this (i made a few assumptions on you hibernate-mapping file)
<class name="Person">
<id name="id" type="int">
<generator class="increment"/>
<filter name="ssnFilter" condition="ssn = :ssnValue"/>
<filter name="lastNameFilter" condition="lastName = :lastNameValue"/>
<filter name="firstNameFilter" condition="firstName = :firstNameValue"/>
<filter name="middleNameFilter" condition="middleName = :middleNameValue"/>
<sql-query name="PersonQuery" resultset-ref="PersonSet" read-only="true" >
FROM PERSONS as person
<!-- note the missing WHERE clause in the PersonQuery -->
<filter-def name="ssnFilter">
<filter-param name="ssnValue" type="int"/>
<filter-def name="lastNameFilter">
<filter-param name="lastNameValue" type="string"/>
<filter-def name="middleNameFilter">
<filter-param name="midlleNameValue" type="string"/>
<filter-def name="firstNameFilter">
<filter-param name="firstNameValue" type="string"/>
Now in your code you should be able to do
String lastName = "Johnson";
String firstName = "Joe";
//give me all persons first
//just give me persons WHERE FIRST_NAME = "Joe" AND LAST_NAME = "Johnson"
Filter filter = HibernateTemplate.enableFilter("firstNameFilter");
filter.setParameter("firstNameValue", firstName);
filter = HibernateTemplate.enableFilter("lastNameFilter");
filter.setParameter("lastNameValue", lastName);
//oh wait. Now I just want all Johnsons
//now again give me all persons
If you need still more dynamic queries (e.g. even changing the operator (=, !=, like, >, <, ...) or you have to combine restrictions logically (where lastname = "foo" OR firstname" = "foobar") then it's definitly time to look into the
Hibernate Criteria API