




Is there any name for the following DB table design:

Basically we have generic columns representing key/value pair.

id | k1 | v1 | k2 | v2 | k3 | v3 | ....

1 | name | sam | last_name| smith | NULL | NULL | ...

In my application, I have many tables that have only one row and I would like to merge them into a generic table that has X number of columns with each rows representing singular table rows.

Thanks in advance.

+8  A: 

Entity-Attribute-Value. Also called a "Name-Value Table" or an "Open Schema."

This is an SQL Antipattern. It fails many rules of relational database design, and it's incredibly hard to maintain. I recommend against it.

See more of my thoughts about EAV in my answer to the question "Product table, many kinds of product, each product has many parameters."

Bill Karwin
Yep, in the long run, doing this will make you cry. For the first 5 minutes though it seems fantastic!!
Matthew Watson
Amen, Bill! +1 for the focus on long-run maintainability. Lots of tables really hardly ever is an issue - "magic" tables like this will be - for sure!
+3  A: 

Bad idea. Basically you should use your relational database as a relational database.

Key/value pairs ordinarily aren't the advised storage method but at least single rows with a single key and a single value are "correct".

If you put multiple pairs in one row, it raises a number of issues:

  1. How do you find a particular key?
  2. Can that key be in k1, k2 or k3? Or is it always in a specific column?
  3. How do you enforce that?
  4. How do you make it performant?

Model your entities as entities with known attributes. That's what databases are for.

Yes, at least, that's what *relational* databases are for.
Bill Karwin
@Bill Karwin: Good point!

I'm not sure about the use of a database.

Why don't you just use a properties or an XML file or something else to store those key/value data?

victor hugo