Hi, I'm trying to write a WCF method that will receive a detached EntityObject from the client and will be able to tell which properties and which relationships were changed for this entity comparing it with what's already in the context. Of course that if this entity is a new entity or one of its relationships were added/deleted/modified it should also recognize that and act accordingly.
I'm already able to recognize if the entity's relationship is a new one but can't seem to be able to add it correctly. -With every approach I try I get a different exception.
Here is the method I use to update the detached object:
public static void AttachUpdated(this ObjectContext context, EntityObject objectDetached)
if (objectDetached.EntityState == EntityState.Detached)
object currentEntityInDb = null;
if (context.TryGetObjectByKey(objectDetached.EntityKey, out currentEntityInDb))
context.ApplyPropertyChanges(objectDetached.EntityKey.EntitySetName, objectDetached);
//Apply property changes to all referenced entities in context
(IEntityWithRelationships)currentEntityInDb); //Custom extensor method
//The entity should be added
And this is a method I use to update the entity's relationships:
public static void ApplyReferencePropertyChanges(this ObjectContext context,
IEntityWithRelationships newEntity,
IEntityWithRelationships oldEntity)
foreach (var oldRelatedEnd in oldEntity.RelationshipManager.GetAllRelatedEnds())
var oldRef = oldRelatedEnd as EntityReference;
if (oldRef != null)
// this related end is a reference not a collection
var newRef = newEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEnd(oldRef.RelationshipName, oldRef.TargetRoleName) as EntityReference;
if (newRef.EntityKey != null)
oldRef.EntityKey = newRef.EntityKey;
//When oldRed is a 1:Many relationship
//newRef is an EntityReference<TEntity> object
EntityObject entity = newRef.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(newRef, null) as EntityObject;
oldRef.EntityKey = entity.EntityKey;
IRelatedEnd newRelatedEnd = newEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEnd(oldRelatedEnd.RelationshipName, oldRelatedEnd.TargetRoleName);
foreach (IEntityWithRelationships e in newRelatedEnd)
if (!oldRelatedEnd.Contains((e as IEntityWithKey).EntityKey))
//this is a new relation and it needs to be added.
//Find out if relation was modified - and update it if needed
IEnumerable entities = oldRelatedEnd as IEnumerable;
How should it be implemented?
Please help :(