Didn't read the question correctly.
A workaround (not the most elegant solution) is to enumerate all services against a known whitelist with known instance names.
Using ManagementObject you could set dependencies (but you have to know the name of the service):
bool SetServiceDependencies(string serviceName, string[] dependencies)
string objPath = string.Format("Win32_Service.Name='{0}'", serviceName);
//Uses lazy initialization
ManagementObject mmo = new ManagementObject(new ManagementPath(objPath));
//Get properties to check if object is valid, if not then it throws a ManagementException
PropertyDataCollection pc = mmo.Properties;
catch (ManagementException me)
{ //Handle errors
if (me.ErrorCode == ManagementStatus.NotFound) {
//Service not found
return false;
object[] wmiParams = new object[11]; //parameters for Win32_Service mmo object Change-parameters
wmiParams[10] = dependencies;
//Should we remove dependencies, use array containging 1 empty string
if (dependencies == null || dependencies.Length == 0)
wmiParams[10] = new string[] { "" };
//Change dependencies
string returnStatus = mWmiService.InvokeMethod("Change", wmiParams).ToString();
catch (Exception)
return false;
return true;