




I'm deploying a replacement site for a client but they don't want all their old pages to end in 404s. Keeping the old URL structure wasn't possible because it was hideous.

So I'm writing a 404 handler that should look for an old page being requested and do a permanent redirect to the new page. Problem is, I need a list of all the old page URLs.

I could do this manually, but I'd be interested if there are any apps that would provide me a list of relative (eg: /page/path, not http:/.../page/path) URLs just given the home page. Like a spider but one that doesn't care about the content other than to find deeper pages.

+1  A: 

I didn't mean to answer my own question but I just thought about running a sitemap generator. First one I found http://www.xml-sitemaps.com has a nice text output. Perfect for my needs.

Beat me to it :)
Eric Petroelje

Write a spider which reads in every html from disk and outputs every "href" attribute of an "a" element (can be done with a parser). Keep in mind which links belong to a certain page (this is common task for a MultiMap datastructre). After this you can produce a mapping file which acts as the input for the 404 handler.

+1  A: 

So, in an ideal world you'd have a spec for all pages in your site. You would also have a test infrastructure that could hit all your pages to test them.

You're presumably not in an ideal world. Why not do this...?

  1. Create a mapping between the well known old URLs and the new ones. Redirect when you see an old URL. I'd possibly consider presenting a "this page has moved, it's new url is XXX, you'll be redirected shortly".

  2. If you have no mapping, present a "sorry - this page has moved. Here's a link to the home page" message and redirect them if you like.

  3. Log all redirects - especially the ones with no mapping. Over time, add mappings for pages that are important.

Martin Peck
+1  A: 

wget from a linux box might also be a good option as there are switches to spider and change it's output.

Thomas Schultz
+1  A: 

do wget -r www.oldsite.com

Then just find www.oldsite.com would reveal all urls, I believe.

Alternatively, just serve that custom not-found page on every 404 request! I.e. if someone used the wrong link, he would get the page telling that page wasn't found, and making some hints about site's content.


I would look into any number of online sitemap generation tools. Personally, I've used this one (java based)in the past, but if you do a google search for "sitemap builder" I'm sure you'll find lots of different options.

Eric Petroelje