It's easy to create a hyperlink that passes parameters using GET by adding them to the URL:
but the web service I'm connecting to uses POST. What's the best way to do this in Sharepoint?
It's easy to create a hyperlink that passes parameters using GET by adding them to the URL:
but the web service I'm connecting to uses POST. What's the best way to do this in Sharepoint?
OK, I'm not surprised there's no answer to this. I suspect I'm probably approaching this in the wrong way and not explaining it well.
I want to take the user's browser to a diffent page passing POST data, like a HTML form would. But in sharepoint you can't change the 'action=' - you can only post back to the same page - if I understand the page life cycle bit correctly.
I'll try adding a button to the web part and use it's onclick() to do a HTTP web request.
If you need to post data differently, adding a second form element to the page should work. It needs to be outside the SharePoint form, but adding another element outside that is easy enough with javascript/jQuery.