In Mike Lischke's now defunct Virtual Treeview, there was workaround code added to fix a bug when using a TWebBrowser control on the same form.
The problem was that if the user tries to interact with a TOleControl (from which TWebBrowser descends), the first mouse click is eaten. They have to then click again to give the control focus. Then they can interact with the control.
He has comments to explain:
procedure TBaseVirtualTree.WMKillFocus(var Msg: TWMKillFocus);
Form: TCustomForm;
Control: TWinControl;
Pos: TSmallPoint;
Unknown: IUnknown;
Workaround for wrapped non-VCL controls (like TWebBrowser),
which do not use VCL mechanisms and
leave the ActiveControl property in the wrong state,
which causes trouble when the control is refocused.
Form := GetParentForm(Self);
if Assigned(Form) and (Form.ActiveControl = Self) then
Cardinal(Pos) := GetMessagePos;
Control := FindVCLWindow(SmallPointToPoint(Pos));
Every control derived from TOleControl has potentially
the focus problem. In order to avoid including
the OleCtrls unit (which will, among others, include Variants),
which would allow to test for the TOleControl
class, the IOleClientSite interface is used for the test,
which is supported by TOleControl and a good indicator.
if Assigned(Control) and Control.GetInterface(IOleClientSite, Unknown) then
Form.ActiveControl := nil;
// For other classes the active control should not be modified. Otherwise you need two clicks to select it.
Problem is that the workaround is no longer working for me. And to be honest i have no idea what the problem really was, and how his solution fixed it.
Is there anyone who knows what his comments understand what he's talking about, could explain what the problem is, and how what he's doing was supposed to fix it?
Workaround for wrapped non-VCL controls (like TWebBrowser), which do not use VCL mechanisms and leave the ActiveControl property in the wrong state, which causes trouble when the control is refocused. Every control derived from TOleControl has potentially the focus problem.
The code is reaching the intended
Form.ActiveControl := nil;
statement, but it just isn't doing the trick.
i'd fix it, but i have no idea how he found it, or how it can come about that TOleControl doesn't "use VCL mechanisms and leaves the ActiveControl property in the wrong state."
Google archive of original question.
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