Hi! I want to make a simple news system using PHP and MySQL, right now I got a working post and read system but there is only one problem, I want it to show the 10 latest news but instead it shows the 10 oldest news.
My question is: Is there a way to make MySQL return the results from the bottom of a table or do I have to first get the number of posts and then limit it to the very last 10 ones?
Here is the insert (title and text is escaped and time is time(), poster is not done yet):
mysql_query("INSERT INTO news (title, poster, text, time) VALUES ('$newstitle', '1', '$newstext', '$time')") or die(mysql_error());
And to retrive it (addnews echos it):
$myqr = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM news LIMIT 10') or die("Error running news query: ". mysql_error());
while($myres = mysql_fetch_array($myqr))
addnews($myres['id'], $myres['title'], "admin", date('l jS F Y - H:i:s', $myres['time']), $myres['text']);
So, short: I want to read the database backwards, is it possible?