I've just had an interesting thought.
It has been a while already since some of us have enjoyed the new MVC framework for ASP.NET. We have talked about it, compared them, liked or disliked one or the other at a different point of time, argued about them each protecting his own point of view. Now it is somewhat silent. He who wanted to give it a try has already done so.
I believe that this MVC approach (though it is not new I know, bear with me) has been quite an eye-opening for those of us who had been hacking WebForms and windows-like event handling. I must admit I have come to realize how wrong WebForms really were, though I didn't want to believe it until the last moment.
Two main differences that going with MVC can bring:
1) Developer will finally (if he hasn't done so already) get his hands dirty with learning HTML, CSS design, JavaScript techniques, HTTP and how web applications really work underneath
2) During the painful (probably) adoption of this MVC approach the guy will probably give a lot of thoughts to the architecture issues, concern separation, n-tier architecture etc. which on its own is good already because many coders just hack it the cowboy way without thinking first
After some time the guy will probably form an opinion about what he prefers and considers the right way and most especially why. At this point don't start kicking me about good old WebForms - I know they are good and actually much better for certain scenarios, but it is also an opinion.
So, I suppose asking a guy which of the two he personally prefers and asking him to describe the advantages of his choice could be a good test of where he stands. Could be an interesting talk-initiator at the job interview. Though I may not be right about it. Have you also had such an idea?