You have to probably wait one UI loop cycle to make sure Silverlight has a chance to update layouts. Also you have to be sure that image is actually visible. I actually wrote a small routine which get the image size from image binary. Downside is you'll have to download image explicitly via WebClient but the good thing is you'll know dimensions without actually displaying anything:
namespace StatMap.Silverlight.Services.UIHelpers
public static class ImageSizeExtractor
public static bool TryGetImageSize(byte[] buf, out int width, out int height)
return TryGetPngSize(buf, out width, out height) || TryGetJpegSize(buf, out width, out height);
private static bool IsPng(byte[] buf)
return (buf.Length > 8)&&(buf[0] == 137) && (buf[1] == 80) && (buf[2] == 78) && (buf[3] == 71)
&& (buf[4]==13)&&(buf[5]== 10)&&(buf[6]== 26)&&(buf[7]== 10);
private static bool TryGetPngSize(byte[] buf, out int width, out int height)
width = 0;
height = 0;
if (IsPng(buf))
int index = -1;
for (int i = 8; i < buf.Length - 12;i++)
if ((buf[i]==0x49)&&(buf[i+1]==0x48)&&(buf[i+2]==0x44)&&(buf[i+3]==0x52))
index = i + 4;
if (index<0)
return false;
width = buf[index + 3] + buf[index + 2]*256;
height = buf[index + 7] + buf[index + 6]*256;
return true;
return false;
private static bool TryGetJpegSize(byte[] buf, out int width, out int height)
//static char get_jpeg_size(unsigned char* data, unsigned int data_size, unsigned short *width, unsigned short *height) {
//Check for valid JPEG image
int i = 0; // Keeps track of the position within the file
width = 0;
height = 0;
if (buf[i] == 0xFF && buf[i + 1] == 0xD8 && buf[i + 2] == 0xFF && buf[i + 3] == 0xE0)
i += 4;
// Check for valid JPEG header (null terminated JFIF)
if (buf[i + 2] == 'J' && buf[i + 3] == 'F' && buf[i + 4] == 'I' && buf[i + 5] == 'F' &&
buf[i + 6] == 0x00)
//Retrieve the block length of the first block since the first block will not contain the size of file
int blockLength = buf[i]*256 + buf[i + 1];
while (i < buf.Length)
i += blockLength; //Increase the file index to get to the next block
if (i >= buf.Length) return false; //Check to protect against segmentation faults
if (buf[i] != 0xFF) return false; //Check that we are truly at the start of another block
if (buf[i + 1] == 0xC0)
//0xFFC0 is the "Start of frame" marker which contains the file size
//The structure of the 0xFFC0 block is quite simple [0xFFC0][ushort length][uchar precision][ushort x][ushort y]
width = buf[i + 5]*256 + buf[i + 6];
height = buf[i + 7]*256 + buf[i + 8];
return true;
i += 2; //Skip the block marker
blockLength = buf[i]*256 + buf[i + 1]; //Go to the next block
return false; //If this point is reached then no size was found
return false;
return false;
Hope this helps.