



example page

I have a floating menu that i've built to the left side (green), and i've made it start moving after 200 pixels. and now i need to to stop and not go over the footer (blue) area. any ideas how to make my JS better?

this thing is, I cannot check this on the scroll event, because of the animation going on after i scroll, so it needs to be done someway else.

so how to make the animation stop at the end just before the footer?


In the $(window).scroll function have you checked whether the bottom position of the floating div is less than or equal to the top position of the footer element.

can't do that. when i scroll and the $(window).scroll is triggered, the animation kicks in. and i don't know where it gonna take the menu to after it starts.
+2  A: 
$.fn.menuFloater = function(options) {
 var opts = $.extend({ startFrom: 0, offsetY: 0, attach: '', duration: 50 }, options);
 // opts.offsetY
 var $obj = this;
 $obj.css({ position: 'absolute' /*, opacity: opts.opacity */ });

 /* get the bottom position of the parent element */
 var parentBottomPoint = $obj.parent().offset().top + $obj.parent().height() ; 
 var topMax = $obj.parent().height() - $obj.innerHeight() + parseInt($obj.parent().css('padding-top')); //get the maximum scrollTop value
 if ( topMax < 0 ) {
  topMax = 0;


 $(window).scroll(function () { 
  $obj.stop(); // stop all calculations on scroll event
  // console.log($(document).scrollTop() + " : " + $obj.offset().top);

  /* get to bottom position of the floating element */
  var isAnimated = true;
  var objTop= $obj.offset().top;
  var objBottomPoint = objTop + $obj.outerHeight();

  if ( ( $(document).scrollTop() > opts.startFrom || (objTop - $(document).scrollTop()) > opts.startFrom ) && ( $obj.outerHeight() < $(window).height() ) ){
   var adjust;
   ( $(document).scrollTop() < opts.startFrom ) ? adjust = opts.offsetY : adjust = -opts.startFrom + opts.offsetY;
   // and changed here to take acount the maximum scroll top value
   var newpos = ($(document).scrollTop() + adjust );
   if ( newpos > topMax ) {
    newpos = topMax;
   $obj.animate({ top: newpos }, opts.duration, function(){ isAnimated = false } );
  else {

Ramuns Usovs
+1 confirmed that this works. There are some superfluous things in there though. For instance, the 'isAnimated' value is irrelevant as the animation is being stopped regardless.
Well all I did was add the things that were needed to prevent the menu going lower that it had to, I didn't remove any of the original code, leaving removal of the useless things as an exercise to the original author :)
Ramuns Usovs
yes, excellent! very good, thanks! I will clean the code now, i know there are irrelevant things in it.thank. why do you check - if( topMax < 0 ) ?anyway i don't think its necessary because i disabled animation ifthe window size is smaller than the menu, because the user must see it all.
Oh you know - just in case :)
Ramuns Usovs
+1  A: 

I've resolved the issue perfectly (hope so)
with the help of you guys, and released
a jQuery plugin for floating sticky boxes:
