I'm trying to select only the records in which their date falls from the current date to the end of the month three months from now.
Currently there are two dates in the table that match the query:
Judy: 5/17/09
asdf: 8/9/09
This is my formula:
DateVar current = Date(DurrentDateTime); //takes the time off
DateVar ThreeMonthsAway = Date(year(CurrentDateTime), month(CurrentDateTime)+4, 1) - 1; // month+4, then -1 days to get last day three months away
{tblTenant.LeaseEnds} > current AND {tblTenant.LeaseEnds} < ThreeMonthsAway
The problem is, it returns no results. If I take off the second part of it, I get both results but I only want the dates within three months.
What am I doing wrong?