Say I have a stored procedure, ProcA. It calls ProcB some of the time, ProcC all of the time and ProcD if it hits an error. ProcB calls ProcE every time. ProcC calls ProcF if it hits an error.
How could I automate getting the text of ProcA along with the text of all the procs that it calls and regress all the way down the tree (A down to F)? This would help a lot with finding errors in complex sql procs.
My first thought here is get the text of ProcA, regex through it and find any calls to other procs, wash rinse repeat, at the end spit out a text (file or to UI) that looks like this:
ProcA definition
ProcB definition
ProcF definition
But I'm open to suggestion, perhaps there's an easier way. If there's a tool that does this already lemme know. I have no idea what to put into google on this one.