Basically I would like to have some dictionary that is an abstaction over legacy #define
I have an old header file that contains 6000+ defines, that are used as flag parametersome function and these defines denote one type of entity parameter
In C i have
GetParameter(... , T_CTITLE, ...);
In Java i would like to call
Connector.getParameter(Parameter.CTITLE, ...);
And Parameter would encapsulate all logic that is associated with getting the parameter from library.
Parameter instances are automatically extracted from header and converted to java code, but the problem is that Parameter class gets too big - i.e. i get code too large
compile error (let me underline: there are more that 6000 parameters).
And I would be thrilled to do this abstraction in a way that enables IDE o use autocompletion, and would wery much dislike idea of storing Parameter objects in say HashMap
EDIT: Parameter Class is defined in following way:
public Parameter{
/** logic **/
public static final Parameter<T> parameter1 = new Parameter<T>("NAME", "T", 0xAAB);
public static final Parameter<T> parameter6000 = new Parameter<T>("FOO", "T", 0xZZZ);