



I'm trying to perform a specific action when I close a jQuery UI dialog. Here's a simplified version of my code:

  var test = 'hello';

  $('#dialog').dialog({bgiframe: true, dialogClass: 'change', resizable: false, draggable: false, modal: true, height: 334, width: 450, autoOpen: false, show: 'fade'});


The first time I close the dialog, I get the expected alert with the word "hello". If I open the dialog a second time, and close it, I get the "hello" alert twice. If I open and close it a third time, I get three alerts, and so on.

Why are these alerts duplicating themselves? I would want to the alert to only show up once on close, no matter how many times I open/close the dialog.

Thanks! Simon

+2  A: 

You are attaching additional event handlers every time you call .click. That is why it is duplicating.


Pull that code out onto the same level as the other event binding and it should work as expected.

+1  A: 

You've bound a function to the open button that adds a event handler to the close button each time the open event is fired. You should add your close event handler somewhere outside of '' event function...

        var test = 'hello';

        $('#dialog').dialog({bgiframe: true, dialogClass: 'change', resizable: false, draggable: false, modal: true, height: 334, width: 450, autoOpen: false, show: 'fade'});


You need to take the close click event handler out of the open click event handler

$(function() {
    $('#dialog').dialog({bgiframe: true, dialogClass: 'change', resizable: false, draggable: false, modal: true, height: 334, width: 450, autoOpen: false, show: 'fade'});


        var myDialog = $('#dialog');
        if (myDialog.dialog('isOpen'))
Russ Cam

What if my wanted my to pass the value of what was clicked to trigger the dialog to the alert, like so:

$('').click(function(){ var element = $(this).html() $('#dialog').dialog('open'); });

And then alert(element) on close?

Just discovered global variables. That did the trick.
Global variables are bad bad bad...
Will Morgan