Okay, this one is the reverse of the last question I struggled with... I feel like I'm sooo close to getting it but it's just not working. Before, I was trying to compile a DLL in C, and then call it from VB, but I realized that's not really what I want (I want the program to be written in C, while using a VB frontend, not the frontend being the program and using the functionality of a DLL).
So now, I'm compiling a DLL in VB and trying to call it from a C .exe.
"But wait, you can't compile a DLL with VB!" Actually, I intercepted VB6.EXE's call to the linker, and added a definition file for the functions I want it to export, and here's the best part--if I copy the dll to system32, I can call the functions from another VB program and it works fine. Only thing is, I can't seem to load it from C. Well, I can, and I get the handle, and I get the address of the functions, it's just the program fails.
Here's the dummy function I exported:
Public Function PopupMessage(ByVal rawr As Integer) As Integer
Msgbox "HERE BE " & rawr & " DRAGON(S)."
PopupMessage = 4
End Function
I can call it like this from another VB6 program:
Public Declare Function PopupMessage Lib "vbdll" _
(ByVal howmanydragons As Integer) As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If IsNumeric(Text1.Text) Then
Text2.Text = PopupMessage(Text1.Text)
End If
End Sub
and, from C:
int main(){
typedef short int (*vbfun)(short int); //VB6 "Integer" is 16 bits
vbfun popup_message;
HANDLE dllhnd;
dllhnd = LoadLibrary("vbdll.dll");
popup_message = (vbfun)GetProcAddress(dllhnd, "PopupMessage");
printf("%d", popup_message(3));
return 0;
when I debug, I find out that I'm getting an access violation which, in the past has meant that I forgot ByVal in the VB function, and it was passing a reference to 5 or something. But I can't see anything wrong here... I get the ProcAddress from the DLL which matches the offset I get from dumpbin, I can call it from VB, but the C caller is getting an access violation...
Any ideas? Anyone see something that I've overlooked? I realize I'm doing something pretty obscure and mostly unheard of, instead of just learning how to design a front end in C, but now I'm determined to fix it.