I need to byte-shift a text file. I know absolutely nothing about perl, but I found a perfectly working piece of code in perl called moz-byteshift.pl (documentation). This does exactly what I want to do, but I need to do it in C#.
Here's the source code of the perl file:
# To perform a byteshift of 7
# To decode: moz-byteshift.pl -s -7 <infile >outfile
# To encode: moz-byteshift.pl -s 7 <infile >outfile
# To perform a byteshift of 13
# To decode: moz-byteshift.pl -s -13 <infile >outfile
# To encode: moz-byteshift.pl -s 13 <infile >outfile
use encoding 'latin1';
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use vars qw/$opt_s/;
if(!defined $opt_s) {
die "Missing shift\n";
my $buffer;
while(1) {
binmode(STDIN, ":raw");
my $n=sysread STDIN, $buffer, 1;
if($n == 0) {
my $byte = unpack("c", $buffer);
$byte += 512 + $opt_s;
$buffer = pack("c", $byte);
binmode(STDOUT, ":raw");
syswrite STDOUT, $buffer, 1;
If someone could at least explain how the perl script works, that would be great. Sample code of the equivalent in C# would be better. =)
Thanks for the help.