



I am unfamiliar with Oracle and i need to have equivalent of my script for Oracle.


SELECT  COL_NAME(parent_object_id, parent_column_id) AS ForigneKeyField,
        COL_NAME(referenced_object_id, referenced_column_id) AS PrimaryKeyField,
        OBJECT_NAME(referenced_object_id) AS PrimaryTable
FROM    sys.foreign_key_columns
WHERE   parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(@name)
+3  A: 

I'm unfamiliar with t-sql but I am familiar with Oracle, so:

It appears you are querying the data dictionary for all referential integrity constraints for a given table, and for each, reporting the foreign key field(s), and the relevant field and table for the table they refer to.

In Oracle this information is kept in the ALL_CONSTRAINTS and ALL_CONS_COLUMNS data dictionary views (or DBA_CONSTRAINTS / DBA_CONS_COLUMNS or USER_CONSTRAINTS / USER_CONS_COLUMNS, depending on what the scope of your query should be). I would run a query like this:

SELECT fc.constraint_name   AS ForeignConstraint
      ,fc.r_constraint_name AS ReferencedConstraint
      ,fcc.column_name      AS ForeignKeyField
      ,rcc.column_name      AS ReferencedKeyField
      ,rc.table_name        AS ReferencedTable
FROM   sys.all_constraints  fc
      ,sys.all_constraints  rc
      ,sys.all_cons_columns fcc
      ,sys.all_cons_columns rcc
WHERE  fc.table_name        = :name
AND    fc.constraint_type   = 'R'
AND    fc.r_constraint_name = rc.constraint_name
AND    fc.constraint_name   = fcc.constraint_name
AND    rc.constraint_name   = rcc.constraint_name
AND    fcc.position         = rcc.position
ORDER BY fc.constraint_name, fcc.position;

I've added the constraint names in the query (ForeignConstraint and ReferencedConstraint) which are useful when referential constraints involve concatenated keys.

Jeffrey Kemp