I have a requirement where I need to be able to access a list which sits in Central Administration from an Application Page which sits on my Web Front End (WFE). The issue I have is that the Application Pool User for my WFE does not have access to the SharePoint_AdminContent database so I get access denied, they both have their own App Pools
In the logs it shows the following:
- Reverting to process identity
- Current user before SqlConnection.Open: Name: SharePointDemo\SPContentPool SID: S-1-5-20 ImpersonationLevel: None
- Current user after SqlConnection.Open: Name: SharePointDemo\SPContentPool: S-1-5-20 ImpersonationLevel: None
- Insufficient SQL database permissions for user 'SPContentPool' in database 'SharePoint_AdminContent_53169fb3-137c-44b2-b90e-961b656e4275' on SQL Server instance 'SPNSQL'. Additional error information from SQL Server is included below. The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'proc_EnumLists', database 'SharePoint_AdminContent_53169fb3-137c-44b2-b90e-961b656e4275', schema 'dbo'.
I have tried to runwithelevatedprivileges as well as trying Daniel Larsons method (http://daniellarson.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!D3543C5837291E93!1919.entry) which uses the SharePoint\System user token but it only seems to elevate as high as the Application Pool.
I am hoping there is an easy way to impersonate the Application Pool of the Admin Web Application but have been unable to find a way to do so yet... Or change the process identity to one which has access
Any thoughts, ideas or solutions are thankfully received!