I frequently read that struct
s should be immutable - aren't they by definition?
Do you consider int
to be immutable?
int i = 0;
i = i + 123;
Seems okay - we get a new int
and assign it back to i
. What about this?
Okay, we can think of it as a shortcut.
i = i + 1;
What about the struct
Point p = new Point(1, 2);
p.Offset(3, 4);
Does this really mutate the point (1, 2)
? Shouldn't we think of it as a shortcut for the following with Point.Offset()
returning a new point?
p = p.Offset(3, 4);
The background of this thought is this - how can a value type with no identity be mutable? You have to look at it at least twice to determine if it changed. But how can you do this without an identity?
I don't want to complicate reasoning about this by considering ref
parameters and boxing. I am also aware that p = p.Offset(3, 4);
expresses immutability much better than p.Offset(3, 4);
does. But the question remains - aren't value types immutable by definition?
I think there are at least two concepts involved - the mutability of a variable or field and the mutability of the value of a variable.
public class Foo
private Point point;
private readonly Point readOnlyPoint;
public Foo()
this.point = new Point(1, 2);
this.readOnlyPoint = new Point(1, 2);
public void Bar()
this.point = new Point(1, 2);
this.readOnlyPoint = new Point(1, 2); // Does not compile.
this.point.Offset(3, 4); // Is now (4, 6).
this.readOnlyPoint.Offset(3, 4); // Is still (1, 2).
In the example we have to fields - a mutable one and a immutable one. Because a value type field contains the whole value, a value type stored in a immutable field must be immutable, too. I am still quite suprised by the result - I did not exspect the readonly field to remain unmodified.
Variables (besides constants) are allways mutable, hence they imply no restriction on the mutability of value types.
The answer seems not to be that straight forward so I will rephrase the question.
Given the following.
public struct Foo
public void DoStuff(whatEverArgumentsYouLike)
// Do what ever you like to do.
// Put in everything you like - fields, constants, methods, properties ...
Can you give a completed version of Foo
and an usage example - that may include ref
parameters and boxing - so that it is not possible to rewrite all occurences of
foo = foo.DoStuff(whatEverArgumentsYouLike);