I have a variety of time-series data stored on a more-or-less georeferenced grid, e.g. one value per 0.2 degrees of latitude and longitude. Currently the data are stored in text files, so at day-of-year 251 you might see:
12.76 12.55 12.55 12.34 [etc., 200 more values...]
13.02 12.95 12.70 12.40 [etc., 200 more values...]
[etc., 250 more lines]
[etc., etc.]
I'd like to raise the level of abstraction, improve performance, and reduce fragility (for example, the current code can't insert a day between two existing ones!). We'd messed around with BLOB-y RDBMS hacks and even replicating each line of the text file format as a row in a table (one row per timestamp/latitude pair, one column per longitude increment -- yecch!).
We could go to a "real" geodatabase, but the overhead of tagging each individual value with a lat and long seems prohibitive. The size and resolution of the data haven't changed in ten years and are unlikely to do so.
I've been noodling around with putting everything in NetCDF files, but think we need to get past the file mindset entirely -- I hate that all my software has to figure out filenames from dates, deal with multiple files for multiple years, etc.. The alternative, putting all ten years' (and counting) data into a single file, doesn't seem workable either.
Any bright ideas or products?