Conditional operators are intentionally succinct and especially useful for assignments:
var a = x ? 1 : 2;
Using them to conditionally run functions, while possible, should, for the sake of readability be done using IF/ELSE statements:
// This is possible but IMO not best practice:
X ? doSomething() : doSomethingElse();
While long-winded, most of the time, this is the better solution:
if (X) {
} else {
One notable benefit to the IF/ELSE structure is that you can add additional tasks under each condition with minimal hassle.
Your last snippet is also possible but it looks somewhat long-winded and, again, might be better suited to a more conventional logical structure; like an IF/ELSE block.
That said, a conditional operator can still be readable, e.g.
(something && somethingElse > 2) ?
: doSomeOtherLongFunctionName();
In the end, like many things, it's down to personal preference. Always remember that the code you're writing is not just for you; other developers might have to wade through it in the future; try and make it as readable as possible.