With VS2008 SP1 I have a line of code like this in an aspx file:
<img src='http://spiurl.appspot.com/<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "UserName") %>' style='border:0; cursor:pointer;'/>
This works perfectly. However, if I switch to "Design" mode in the IDE and then back to "Source" mode the characters [A] are magically/infuriatingly inserted into the beginning of the src attribute and I end up with:
<img src='[A]http://spiurl.appspot.com/<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "UserName") %>' style='border:0; cursor:pointer;'/>
...which of course is broken. Has anyone else seen this annoyance before? Do you have a solution?
Update: Actually it appears that this happens on every attempt to save the file.