



I'm creating a database from scratch. I'm not intended to make it public, it's just my small project for my own purpose. ;-) I have already implemented B+-tree indexes, searching, inserting, deletion and many other basic features... But now, I want to know how to implement advanced topics as Transactions or Replication.

Is there any good (BEST!) book about creating a database? I don't have lots of time to read 'em all, so, I decide to ask. ;-)

In many forums, I've found only books about database concepts, but no one gives implementation algorithms. I don't need books about SQL or how databases work. (I know it already).

Thanks for patience ;-)

+2  A: 

Try this: Database System Implementation. Another book of these authors, A First Course in Database Systems, is about basic stuff. This book however focuses on implementation details: query algebra, indices, disk storage implementation, undo-redo log implementation, memory management etc. The two books seem to be now combined into one book: Database Systems: The Complete Book.



I've already read one very good book from J. Ullman. I'll try your suggestion ;-) Thanks.

There are a LOT of advanced topics to learn about. You named a couple: SQL programming & replication. Add to that database design, clustering, mirroring, log shipping, full text search....etc.

You need to focus on what you want to learn first, and get a book on it. You can get a high-level, cover-all type of book like "Professional SQL Server 2008 Administration" by Wrox, but it's not going to teach you database development. If you can clarify exactly what you're looking for (and which RDBMS you're using), we can provide more focused recommendations.

Aaron Alton