For reasons that elude me, a session variable that contains the customer's name will show up for a short while, and then disappear.
In the app_controller.php : beforeFilter()
if (isset($_SESSION['customer_name']) == false ||
strlen($_SESSION['customer_name']) == 0)
$customer = $this->Customer->read(null, $auth['User']['customer_id']);
$name = $customer['Customer']['fname'] . " " . $customer['Customer']['lname'];
$this->Session->write('customer_name', $name);
$this->set('name', $this->Session->read('customer_name'));
$this->set('name', $this->Session->read('customer_name'));
I have tried variations on checking to see if the session is set such as
if ($this->Session->check('customer_name') == false)
Everything behaves in the same bizarre way, it will display in the view for a little while, and then disappear. Doesn't come back on closing browser or logging in again. Random small changes to that code seem to bring it back to life for a short time.