



I have a test project using MbUnit and TestDriven.Net.

If I right-click on an individual test method and say "Run Tests" the test runs successfully. Same thing if I click on a file name in the solution explorer.

However, if I right click and say run tests on the project or the solution, TestDriven.Net reports "0 Passed, 0 Failed, 0 Skipped."

I have other similar projects that work just fine, and yes, the classes are labeled [TestFixture] and the methods are labeled [Test].


You need to add testing attributes for your favorite testing framework. TestDriven picks up these attributes by reflection in order to know what tests to run.

For example, using NUnit.Framework - each test class needs [TextFixture] and each test method needs [Test]

Here's an example

David B
+3  A: 

Are the classes public?

Lasse V. Karlsen
+2  A: 

I had once similar problem. The problem was that I forgot to declare my test class with public modifier.


If you're on Windows x64, it may be an installer problem. It bit me on Server 20080 x64.

Mark Brackett

Just make sure TestDriven.Net was installed before Gallio, otherwise Gallio won't install its extensions for TestDriven.Net.

Gallio v3.0.4 and more recent include a 64-bit installer.

Jeff Brown

I've seen TestDriven.Net not finding any tests if I used newest version of NUnit, reinstalling TestDriven.Net fixed the issue.

Pawel Lesnikowski