




Many folks say that Peopleware is one of the best books for software professionals and managers, as I see a lot of people recommending it in the "have to read list."

The strange thing is that I can't find a bookstore anywhere that actually has it. I found it on Amazon, but Borders, Barnes & Nobles, etc. don't have it and keep telling me it's out of print.

Can anyone shed some light on whats going on here?

Amazon doesn't stock it, it says its available from a few 3rd party sellers, but I tried two of them and both of them eventually refunded me and cancelled the order after stalling for a month.

+4  A: 

The publisher, Dorset House, doesn't indicate out of print:


what does out of print mean ? they stopped printing it?
Yes, that's what it means. Fortunately, there are many on-line sources for it'
As of now, they do say it's out of print, even if the website gives no explicit indication. See my post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/875134/cant-find-peopleware-anywhere/1949196#1949196
Kenji Kina
+1  A: 

I found it on http://alibris.com but not on http://abebooks.com. These are both good places to look online.

Bill Cox
+1  A: 

I emailed Dorset House who said they are temporarily out of stock but will be expecting more stock towards the end of October

Watch this space I'll keep it updated!

Edit: BACK IN STOCK - I received an email from Dorset House notifying me they were back in stock (20th May 2010)

Dog Ears

I bought it on Amazon a few weeks ago, just do that...

Andrew G. Johnson
right now, its only available from 3rd party sellers, and i tried two of them who after a month refunded my cc and cancelled the order.
Dustin Getz
+4  A: 

Go to your local library. Request via Interlibrary loan if unavailable.

+1  A: 

I got it used from Barnes and Noble. Shop around if you go the used route as prices can vary widely. I think I got mine for $20 but I often see it for a lot more.

Dana Robinson

I have had exactly the same problem with O'Reilly books several times in the past. Book shops take my order then weeks later tell me they can't get the book as it is no longer in print or some other excuse. I no longer mess about with them and simply order from Amazon who always deliver the book within days.


+3  A: 

I emailed Dorset House, and received the following (as of december 22nd 2009):

At this time, PEOPLEWARE 2ND ED. (ISBN: 978-0-932633-43-9) is temporarily out of stock. We will notify you upon availability.

This has been out for so long... I still can't think of a good reason for this book to be out of print.

UPDATE: Dorset House has emailed me back as of May 28th 2010 with the following:

We are writing to inform you that PEOPLEWARE 2ND ED. (ISBN: 978-0-932633-43-9) is now in-stock and available.

So awesome news :)

Kenji Kina

Here it is, 6 of them: http://www.abebooks.com/products/isbn/9780932633057

FWIW, and this may be useful once the publisher does stop printing it, I got my Peopleware 2 weeks ago from Abebooks. I recommend going second-hand, since it will be:

  1. Cheaper
  2. Less likely to be out of stock when you order it (because presumably they only have one, so you don't fall victim to incorrect warehouse estimations).
Gavin Schultz-Ohkubo
Note that this link is the first edition (1987). The second edition (1999) is being sold used at over $50 both at this site and at Amazon.