Anyone know if it is possible to make the PeriodicalUpdater pass the data it received to a function I assign to update the desired field?
I want to process the data I receive and then have the PeriodicalUpdater function update the field.
Anyone know if it is possible to make the PeriodicalUpdater pass the data it received to a function I assign to update the desired field?
I want to process the data I receive and then have the PeriodicalUpdater function update the field.
Yes, you can pass it an onsuccess callback, just like you do for a any other AjaxRequest.
new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater('container', '/someurl', {
method: 'get',
frequency: 3,
decay: 2;
onsuccess: function(response){
function myCustomFunction(data){
/* do something */
See Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater and Ajax Options.