I'm trying to build a control logic that depends on the current gsp page to call an action, is there a tag or a session method that i can use to identify the current gsp page
I want to restrict access to all GSPs except singup and login, so if a user open any other gsp he will be redirected to signup page and he will also be able to navigate to the login page.
The logic i am trying to implement is like this if current_Page is login.gsp or singup.gsp then do nothing else redirect to signup //where user can navigate to login page with no problems too
And i want to add this logic in the main layout so it gets implemented across all the application domain.
I'm wondering if there is an alternative way of doing this using RequestmapController or UrlMappings?
Anyone with experience in springMVC will be able to help as Grails is built on top SpringMVC, which in turn is built on top of the standard servlet framework!
Note: I'm using Acegi Plugin
Remark: How can the application be SEO-friendly(i.e. Google indexing) with this type of security mechanism implemented?