



Hi there,

If I have the report name how can I programmatically get the name of the project/folder the report is in?

So for example if I have a report like so http://server/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=/ReportProject1/ReportName

Given "ReportName" how can I figure out that the report is in the folder "ReportProject1"?

So I guess is there a function where I can pass int he report name and get it's details or else query the report server for a list of its report folders and I can loop through these and check some how that the report is inside?

+3  A: 

The data is in the catalog table in the reporting services database. So a query like

Select Path, Name 
From reportserver.dbo.catalog 
Where name = 'ReportProject1'
+1  A: 

you could also use the reporting service api, you can create a custom app that connects to your report server using the reporting server web service. This will provide you with loads of information to query your install.

Check out for more info


help me please how do ifind were to put my sql reprot thank you fazilat

fazilat mussani