



i have started treading in c and also python recently and would like to know any good tutorials available for it


I could think of couple of MSDN links (for windows):

Multithreading for Rookies

Multithreading with C and Win32

+1  A: 

C - Recommended Books

Unix: Butenhof, David R. - Programming with POSIX(R) Threads (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)

Windows: Hart, Johnson M. - Windows System Programming (3rd Edition)

Python - Online

Tutorial on Threads Programming with Python (PDF)

Matthew Murdoch
+1 for Programming with POSIX threads. Also there is a good one by O'Reilly ... Pthreads Programming (Nichols, Buttlar, Farrell)
Aiden Bell

You could write the threading yourself, it could be hard but doing that, you will learn more about threading.

Or you could use a preexisting threading library. It will let you implement threading faster in your application, but you may not learn as much as to what goes on "under the hood".

From your question, I cant see which path you want to take. For the latter, I suggest boosts threading library. The other answers hold great links if you prefer the former path.

Good luck. :)


I have found Interprocess Communications in Linux: The Nooks and Crannies to be extremely useful for IPC (and threading) in C.
