



Io is a nice cross-platform prototype-based object-oriented language.

Does anyone know of any GUI library for Io?

Io's name does not make it Google friendly.

+2  A: 

According to this, there are:

Io has bindings for many multiplatform libraries including Sockets, OpenGL, FreeType, PortAudio and others as well as some modules for transparent distributed objects and a user interface toolkit written in Io.

Additionally, you can use Cocoa through the objective C bindings, and the languages author was at one time working on an openGL based interface called Ion. I have seen the words 'IoDesktop' thrown around a lot too.

Shane C. Mason
`IoDesktop`, `IoServer` and the third binary don't exist anymore since at least 2007. There is only one binary called `io` now which can load addons.The OpenGL based interface addon `Ion` has been renamed to `Flux`.
+1  A: 

According to this, you can use GNUstep on linux and OSX. I have played with GNUstep for a few hours some day and found it rather pleasant.

+1  A: 

According to this article there is a library for Cairo bindings. Also I noticed IO library for GTK+ in their projects list but the link seems to be dead.

If you are able to reach that (dead) page, please share it here.

Mushex Antaranian
+2  A: 

GTK+ Bindings for Io

+2  A: 

The 'official' GUI library is called Flux (formerly called Ion) and can be found in the main repository under

It is based on `OpenGL and thus platform independent (runs on any platform supporting OpenGL).

Some examples on how to use Flux can be found in the samples directory:

Some of them may not be working. Bug reports are welcome :-).

The GTK+ Binding was created a while ago and is not maintained anymore as far as I know. I would not recommend using it unless someone wants update it to compile with a current version and maintain it.
