Hello Pythonistas,
I need to read and serialize objects from and to XML, Apple's .plist format in particular. What's the most intelligent way to do it in Python? Are there any ready-made solutions?
Hello Pythonistas,
I need to read and serialize objects from and to XML, Apple's .plist format in particular. What's the most intelligent way to do it in Python? Are there any ready-made solutions?
Assuming you are on a Mac, you can use PyObjC.
Here is an example of reading from a plist, from Using Python For System Administration, slide 27.
from Cocoa import NSDictionary
myfile = "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate.plist"
mydict = NSDictionary.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile_(myfile)
print mydict["LastSuccessfulDate"]
# returns: 2009-08-11 08:38:01 -0600
And an example of writing to a plist (that I wrote):
#!/usr/bin/env python
from Cocoa import NSDictionary, NSString
myfile = "~/test.plist"
myfile = NSString.stringByExpandingTildeInPath(myfile)
mydict = {"Nice Number" : 47, "Universal Sum" : 42}
mydict["Vector"] = (10, 20, 30)
mydict["Complex"] = [47, "i^2"]
mydict["Truth"] = True
NSDictionary.dictionaryWithDictionary_(mydict).writeToFile_atomically_(myfile, True)
When I then run defaults read ~/test
in bash, I get:
Complex = (
"Nice Number" = 47;
Truth = 1;
"Universal Sum" = 42;
Vector = (
And the file looks very nice when opened in Property List Editor.app.